Track Three

World Goes Round


Official Audio & Lyrics




The Making of ‘World Goes Round’


Apr. 16th, 2019 - Lucas added drums, synths, lyrics and a melody to a guitar loop that Jonathan Poorman sent to him. This is the first working demo of what would become ‘World Goes Round.’ Other than some slight lyrical changes in the first verse, the main idea for the song is already there.

May 5th, 2019 - Lucas continued to work on the demo for this song, adding a vocoder under his voice and writing a piano part that would eventually become the song’s outro. If you skip to 1:47, you’ll hear that the piano sound hasn’t changed since being created. Fun fact, Lucas initially intended for it to act as a bridge in the song.

Jun. 17th, 2019 - Lucas sat down with an acoustic guitar to finish the lyrics for World Goes Round. The fast lyrics in the second verse would come later on, but the rest of the lyrics were completed on this day. The second audio clip here is the first attempt at adding the new lyrics to the full band version of World Goes Round.

July 25th, 2019 - Go ahead and skip to 2:11 on this demo. You’ll hear our first attempt at the final outro for ‘World Goes Round’ but with some extra… stuff… tacked on to it.

Aug. 14th, 2019 - Unlike most of the other songs on the EP, we didn’t go down to Nashville with a complete idea of what was supposed to be in this song. This is what we left Nashville with after recording for 4 days, and there is obviously still plenty left to do!

Sept. 6th, 2019 - We all really enjoy the acoustic version of this song, and it’s something we’d love to get into the studio and record this year. Here’s a recording of us practicing it for an acoustic SOFAR Philly performance. Let us know if this is something you’d like to hear from us!



What’s That Sound?


The synths in the chorus of World Goes Round were so much fun to make. There are three total, and Lucas’s personal favorite is the one that sounds really distorted and metallic, which he created using a synth called Omnisphere.


We love adding little elements to all of our songs that only happen once. We got this huge guitar ‘chug’ sound in the studio by turning the amp volume and distortion up as far as they would go! We recorded about 10 of these, but we really liked the way this one ‘squealed’ on the tail end of it, so we put it in the song!



Behind the Scenes in Nashville



What do you think of ‘World Goes Round’?



You’re halfway through the EP! Are you enjoying it so far? Please reach out and let us know what you think.

We’ll see you on the next page for Track Four!

-Lucas, Brad, & Chris



Up Next:


In Case You Missed It: