Track Five

All That I’m Not


Official Audio & Lyrics




The Making of ‘All That I’m Not’


Nov. 30th, 2018 - Lucas had one of those days where a song just sort of came out all out once. He sat down and put this all together in about 6 hours to send off to the rest of the band. We kept all the synth sounds from this original demo, and even most of the vocals (which were meant to be throw-away vocals) made it into the final version of the song. Something about these vocals had more emotion than we could get out of him in the studio later on.

Feb. 24th, 2019 - Lucas and Brad had just gotten together at the studio to work out an idea they had for the bridge of the song. Skip to 2:06 in this demo to hear the final result, it’s very similar to the final version already! We pulled most of Lucas’s final vocal take for the bridge from this demo as well.

Aug. 14th, 2019 - We love this raw recording from the Nashville tracking sessions because we recorded all of our parts at the same time and we think it really makes it feel organic and genuine. The vocals in this take are the ones that we got in Nashville and later scrapped for the demo vocals, feel free to compare the two and decide which you like better!



What’s That Sound?


What you are about to listen to is one of the best happy accidents we’ve come across in production. When Lucas created his first demo of All That I’m Not, he used a really bad sounding computer-generated harmonica for the solo. After adding some effects to it, it transformed into the really cool sound you hear on the record. Here’s the sound with and without the added effects.


For a time, the plan was to replace that synth sound with Brad playing his saxophone. We went so far as to record the sax line at the studio before deciding we liked the synth sound better, but here’s Brad’s take for you to listen to!



Behind the Scenes in Nashville



What do you think of ‘All That I’m Not’?



One track left! This one’s been out for a while now, but we’ve got some behind the scenes sneak peeks that we bet you haven’t seen before!

- Lucas, Brad, & Chris



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In Case You Missed It: