Track Four

Don’t Make This About You


Official Audio & Lyrics

*DISCLAIMER* There are multiple audio files related to this song that are marked as Explicit. Clean versions have been provided when possible. Please keep this in mind as you start scrolling. Thank you!



Use the arrows to switch between the Clean lyrics and the Explicit lyrics sheet.



The Making of ‘Don’t Make This About You’


Jan. 31st, 2019 - The droning guitar in this demo is what Brad initially brought to us during practice. The rest of us put the other pieces around it, and although there wasn’t much to the idea at the time we all really liked the way it grooved. Lucas went home from practice and made this demo using computer-generated drums so we wouldn’t forget the idea.

Feb. 1st, 2019 through Feb. 4th, 2019 - We mentioned before that this song took forever to write and we meant it! These demos are just a few of the many failed attempts at writing lyrics and melodies for the verses that we all liked. Luckily we were able to pull some of the better ideas from these early demos and use them later on in the finished verses and bridge.

May 29th, 2019 - It took four months of writing before Lucas sent a verse idea to the band that we all felt like we could get behind. This is the worktape Lucas made at his home as he finished up writing for the day.

Jun. 12th, 2019 - After another month of writing it was finally time to get together in the studio and figure out what we wanted the song structure to look like. Chris was unavailable on this particular evening so the rest of us got together, looped a drum beat and worked it out.

Jul. 25th, 2019 - This demo is what we took down to Nashville with us as our recording reference. It didn’t quite feel right yet, but we had been listening to this song so much at this point that we threw in the towel out of frustration and hoped that Nashville would give us some inspiration.

Aug. 14th, 2019 - We knew leaving Nashville that we still had a lot of work to do to reach our vision for this song. You’ll hear in this raw clip from our recording session that we hadn’t really made a lot of progress from our reference demo other than a few vocal changes. Fun fact, we didn’t finish this song until about 3 weeks before this album launch started!



What’s That Sound?


We really felt like we needed a percussive element in this song that wasn’t a typical drum sound. These bottles were originally supposed to be just an extra layer in the background of the verses, but in the final days of mixing they took on a much bigger role that none of us expected! Now we can’t picture the song without them.


Just like the guitar chug from World Goes Round, we created this sound by cranking the drive and amp volume up as high as they’d go. All we had to do to make it feedback was to put one finger down on a string on the fretboard and wiggle it around a bit.



Behind the Scenes in Nashville



What do you think of ‘Don’t Make This About You’?



Two more tracks to go! We’ve said it already, but we really appreciate you checking out our EP experience!

See you on the next page!

-Lucas, Brad, & Chris



Up Next:


In Case You Missed It: